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In the Presbyterian Church (USA), congregations are  governed by Ruling Elders who serve on a session (similar to a board of directors) that works with pastors and staff to support the service, worship, and ministries of a congregation. However, one of our primary beliefs is the priesthood of all believers. This belief affirms that we are all called to use the many gifts we have been blessed with to serve God and the church. As such, we all share the call to serve as we are able. In practice, this means we function in various committees working under the guidance of the elders to be the church together.

Brick Wall

Buildings &



The Buildings and Grounds Ministry is responsible for the maintenance and improvements in The Nor’kirk’s facilities, including the interior and exterior of our buildings, property, and landscaping. We meet monthly to discuss what projects need to be addressed and whether we plan to do these projects ourselves or hire out parts or all of the project to professional contractors. We also sponsor two All-Church Workdays during the year in the spring and fall.


You may reach this committee Elder via email at


Education - Adult


Faith - Growth - Unity


"...the body of Christ may be built up until we reach unity in faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ...From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows, and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Ephesians 4:12-13, 16.  


Our mission is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth by offering opportunities for members to learn and grow in a shared experience recognizing we all come to the table from different places in our faith.  We welcome and encourage everyone to participate in the various studies we offer throughout the year. If you would like to join our committee, we meet on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.


You may reach this committee Elder via email at

Children Embracing in Circle


Education - Youth


Growing in God’s Grace


We believe that church should be a place where children/youth can experience the grace of God though worshiping, serving and having fun together. All are welcome, and we are thrilled when our young people bring their friends and neighbors. We encourage and support inclusion so that all children and youth can have the peace of belonging. Not only do we create and implement programs for our local church and community, we also introduce and guide Nor’kirk children/youth to the many programs and activities provided through Grace Presbytery – such as camps, retreats, leadership programs, and more. If you have a passion and love for children of all ages, the Children’s Education Committee may be right for you. We typically meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. We’d love to have you join us!


You may reach this committee Elder via email at



This committee is about providing opportunities to gather as a family to enjoy our fellowship with each other. Our committee provides regular events and activities for all ages. Potluck dinners, Annual Thanksgiving Dinner, Fall Festival, and Christmas socials are just a few of the offerings provided by this committee. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Feel free to reach out to our elder for additional information. 


You may reach this committee Elder via email at

People holding hands
Sun rays over plant in soil

Finance &



The finances of the church are largely dependent on the amounts pledged by members. The committee takes the pledges and giving estimates that are received in November each year and outlines a budget for the year ahead. We then meet monthly to review the prior month income and expenses so that we can manage the cost for all ministry areas. We also oversee bill payments, counting the offering each Sunday, and recording and providing statements for individual giving. We plan and implement the stewardship drive and any special fundraisers that are needed/required. We also communicate with the congregation on the status of our finances. We meet the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. If finance is an area of interest, we would love to have you on our committee.


You may reach this committee Elder via email at



Is mission and volunteer work your passion? Our Nor'kirk missions and outreach include a variety of programs. From our Grow and Share Garden to our partnership with Metrocrest services, we serve our local community through Hope for the Homebound, Sack Summer Hunger, holiday and back-to-school drives, and more. These programs come down to people who are willing to give their time in exchange for the opportunity to show our local community, through action, the simple fiat of Christ to care for those in need. We are not satisfied to merely continue; we want our local community to thrive!


You may reach this committee Elder via email at

Bag of Groceries
Open Laptop

Personnel &



The purpose of the Personnel committee is to oversee and coordinate all work-related activities involving the Nor’kirk staff. Those responsibilities include salary maintenance, tracking vacation and related days off, keeping comprehensive employee records stored in a secure location, and addressing all concerns about or from any Nor’kirk staff member. 

The chief goal of the Personnel committee is to ensure the staff are supported in and assisted with any employee matter. The Personnel Committee does not meet regularly but rather on a ‘as needed’ basis, which is generally 2-3 times a year.


You may reach this committee Elder via email at

Hand holding sphere with images of people

Technology &



Connect - Share - Grow 


Through expanding and improving our online presence, communicating the Nor’kirk’s message and events, and maintaining and improving our technology infrastructure, connecting the Nor’kirk with the greater community is our mission. If you are interested in participating in our social media presence, supporting Facebook Live, crafting communication for multiple platforms, and more, this may be the committee for you. We meet on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Feel free to reach out to our Elder for additional information!


You may reach this committee Elder via email


Bibles in back of a pew

Worship & Music


The Worship and Music Committee for the Nor'kirk serves the congregation by coordinating and arranging all aspects of worship - music, liturgists, special events, logistics - we are always looking for creative and passionate people to come join us as we work to draw in members of the Nor'kirk through our weekly worship. We meet on the 4th Sunday of the month, after worship, and would love to hear from you on suggestions or volunteer opportunities.


You may reach this committee Elder via email


"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."

1 Corinthians 12:27 

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